Perspectives on Navigating the Retirement Journey
I’m in a future state of mind…
A good number of us of a certain age, are thinking hard about our future and how to make the most of it post career. Developing a vision of our desired future is an important part of retirement planning but many struggle to get beyond the basics.
The Relevance of Staying Relevant
What keeps us relevant while aging is not so different than what contributes to happiness and longevity…
Structure & Routine or Rhythm & Balance
Structure and routine is something that we humans need in our lives, and establishing some sort of structure and routine is important post-career. It can take time though to land on what works best for you and the lifestyle you’re pursuing.
Dance Like No One is Watching
Want to increase flow or focus or shift perspective the next time you feel stuck? Inject tiny moments of creativity into your day.
Surprisingly retirement is better than I expected
“Surprisingly retirement is better than I expected. I think that’s because I planned ahead, with the help of a retirement coach.”
Because It's a Journey that Matters
Because it’s a journey that matters, it’s worth planning your journey before it begins.